Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Ok, I have found several avenues that can help with those little income problems, and its called ....sponsors!!! Yes, sponsors, investors, financial supporters, whatever you want to label them...these individuals literally have the power to put real money in your pocket!!! If you have not already notice the music industry has completely evolved, the old school way of selling CDs, merch and playing a gig here and there are no longer the major sources of making money. In the here and now its about literally selling yourself to those willing and able to put up the big bucks, maybe that means signing with a record label or maybe that means creating a KICK ASS  campaign explaining why "I THE RICH GUY" or "WE THE PEOPLE" should invest in your product? That's right I labeled you and your music 'Product', don't get offended, please I mean no harm and by all means I do not mean to take away from your Artistry, but in order to sustain and use tremendous amounts of TIME and MONEY to create your "ART" something must be produced and sold for a livable income. 
The first thing is to recognize what you are worth...not just an individual creation (remember YOU are the product), but you? Could you honestly ask someone to pay you 1 million dollars just because you think your worth it?? Please don't answer YES to that question! Lets take a step back, when you understand fully your worth, and can give a solid "WHY" explanation...then you may proceed...but proceed with caution because "you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow" - eminem, which means your proposal/campaign/proposition should be award winning, in detail answering any and every hesitant questioning remarks, and last but not least Visually/Musically entertaining as HELL!! PEOPLE love a GOOD show!! There are millions of artists out there working themselves to the bone; gigging, FT/PT jobs, hustling albums and singles, when they are worth soooo much more......90% of these artist will unfortunately fail, simply to exhaustion and the inability to make money while focusing on their craft. 
Now lets take a look at two platforms that you the artist can campaign; a site where creative projects raise donation-based funding. These projects can range from new creative products, like an art installation, to a cool watch, to pre-selling a music album. It’s not for businesses, causes, charities, or personal financing needs. Kickstarter is one of the earlier platforms, and has experienced strong growth and many break-out large campaigns in the last few years. Indiegogo which approves donation-based fundraising campaigns for most anything.  There are several platforms and several different ways to find and secure sponsors/investors, these two sites are just a start or rather a source of brainstorming. Maybe you want to go outside of the world wide web, and work face to face with those in your community, which is a great idea and what I personally prefer, or maybe you prefer to reach out from your personal websites. Whichever direction you decide to take...remember to always give an award winning performance, professional, timely and approaching the correct potential sponsors. 
If you are in need of any themed instrumentals, custom graphic designs or simply needing some constructive advice...please do not hesitate to contact me. 

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